Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Haircut

I got my first haircut recently, and it wasn't too bad. Momma, Dadda and Aunt Heather came along to take pictures and video of this milestone event. Miss Tiffany at Sweet and Sassy cut my hair. This whole store is pink, and it has lots of cool nail polish, make-up, and even a runway with lights for little girls.

This is my "before" shot.
My cape says "Sweet Princess."

Here we go!

This is the first cut.

I'm enjoying my snacks and a nearby television.

Here's my "after" shot - It looks pretty good, huh?!

This is my "Baby's First Haircut" certificate.
And here are my little snip-its of hair.

I'm trying out the runway.

This chair looks like a big high-heel shoe.

1 comment:

Amber B. said...

It looks great! Glad it went well!