Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Cheese!


Uncle Bill and Aunt Alex gave me a cool cheese (kid's digital camera) for Christmas. It's a cheese because you say "Cheese!" when you take a picture of someone. Makes sense, right?! Anyway, I'm learning how to use it, and it's very cool. If I have a blog, then I should have a cheese to take pictures and post to the blog. And while the pictures aren't necessarily professional quality (partially due to me not holding the camera still very well), I'm learning a lot! Here's a sample of my recent photos ...

Dadda tried out the cheese first ...

It's Momma!
It's Dadda!

It's Baby!

The cheese also has these built-in picture frames which are pretty cool.

Dadda again

Momma again

Sometimes I don't frame-up very well ...

It's Millie the Mouse!

Kody Dog - Take #1

Kody Dog - Take #2

Kody Dog - There he is!

Dadda was video-ing me taking pictures - Silly Dadda!

It's Aubie!

It's blurry Momma & Dadda!

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