Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Haircut

I got my first haircut recently, and it wasn't too bad. Momma, Dadda and Aunt Heather came along to take pictures and video of this milestone event. Miss Tiffany at Sweet and Sassy cut my hair. This whole store is pink, and it has lots of cool nail polish, make-up, and even a runway with lights for little girls.

This is my "before" shot.
My cape says "Sweet Princess."

Here we go!

This is the first cut.

I'm enjoying my snacks and a nearby television.

Here's my "after" shot - It looks pretty good, huh?!

This is my "Baby's First Haircut" certificate.
And here are my little snip-its of hair.

I'm trying out the runway.

This chair looks like a big high-heel shoe.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Playing Peek-A-Boo with Momma

Little Miss Reese Had a Farm

Friday, September 19, 2008

Reese's New Set Of Wheels

Momma has been an excellent consignment sale shopper this week. She has gotten my a bunch of new clothes and toys. My favorite so far has been my new toy car. There is one just like it at play school that I love to play in, so Momma thought it would be great for me to have one at home too!

Always buy from "Momma's Used Car Emporium"!

Time to crank this sucker up!

Who says I have to wait 'til 16 to get a set of wheels?

I'm styling. Watch out open road ... here I come!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Because 2 are better than 1!!

Momma took this funny picture with her cell phone. I have my 2-year molars coming in, so I need extra passy love.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


OK, so you saw me in my neat new cheerleader uniform, but this is how I enjoy most games: at home in my Auburn t-shirt, shaking my shakers!

We're 2-0 with Mississippi State up next. Go Tigers! Muzzle the Bulldogs!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day at School

This year, I'm going to Little Lambs Playschool at our church (RUMC). I'm in the Turtles class. My teachers are Ms. Megan and Ms. Kristi. Tuesday was the first day of school, and I had so much fun. Of course, Momma and Dadda wanted to take some pictures of me on the first day.

I get to take a lunch box to school. Mine has my name on it.

I also take this big tote bag with me, too. It has all the essentials for a day at school: change of clothes in case of spill or accident, diapers (very important!), and my school folder.

Lucky for me, Momma carries my bag for me! I love my Momma!!

Here's a close-up of my outfit. It has smocked turtles on the front because my class is called Turtles. (In this picture, I'm a little distracted by someone walking on the street.)

This is our class door.

And here's the turtle in the bus with my name on it.
This is our birthday wall.
And here's my birthday cupcake.

This is my class room. I was here last week while Momma was getting her room ready. Momma is a teacher in the Lambs class; they are the class right behind mine.